Saturday, February 18, 2006

African Affairs

Perhaps the page with the broadest scope in Activate is the African Affairs section. This section widens the news base beyond Grahamstown and focuses on regional and international news from Africa. African Affaris creates space for the analysis of wider themes and issues rather than de-contextualised and isolated events. In this regard there is particular focus on crucial issues such as poverty and social inequality. We examine the hurdles facing African development and highlight the progress made on our supposedly dark continent. We run a cartoon alongside a story each week which enables us to show the quirkier, often ironic, side of African news with a touch of humour.

There is always room in this section for a politically minded, creative and motivated writer who is unafraid to put a bit of themselves into their stories. As African Affairs writers we have a wealth of information at our fingertips, such as university lecturers from whom interviews and comments lend local flavour and interest to our stories.

We hold a general meeting every two weeks which the entire team is expected to attend, as well as a further meeting on the second week of the Activate cycle for those reporters who have been assigned an article. Writers should be dedicated and motivated, keep in constant contact with the section head and be prepared to produce in-depth and analytical articles for a section which is unafraid to voice subjective opinions affecting Africans continent-wide.


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