Saturday, February 18, 2006

A word on Journ 2…

The reason I was asked to write this piece is because I’m what some first year Journalism and Media Studies students consider to be a mythical creature: I not only made it to Journ 2, I ended up getting a degree!

The funny thing is, it’s not that unusual – “getting into Journ 2” doesn’t entail any sort of obstacle course; there are no dragons to slay, nor riddles to solve. Getting into Journ 2 requires three things:

  1. Good academic results. You can obtain these by attending your lectures and tutorials; doing the readings that are prescribed as part of the course, and actually putting in some serious study time for tests and exams. The Journalism and Media Studies Department is willing and able to help you get settled into “academia” – ask for the Academic Development Co-ordinator at the Department.
  1. Vac work. Yes, you’ll be expected to do some work during your holidays. But if you’re serious about being a journalist, you’ll realise that hands-on training and work with other journalists is one of the most vital elements of getting started and breaking into the industry. Phone around to the newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations in your home town, and find out if they’re willing to take on an intern for a week or two or even more. Once again, this programme is co-ordinated by the Journalism and Media Studies Department, and they’ll tell you more about it during the year.
  1. Portfolio, portfolio, portfolio! Every time you write something, or take a photograph, or design a page in a newspaper (like Activate!), you’ve created solid proof of your abilities as a young journalist. So it makes sense to do more than just join Activate and hope it’ll look good as one line on your CV. Instead, join a team and get involved – produce actual copy, and watch your portfolio grow!

Tash Joseph

Training and Development Consultant


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